Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor He was born on September 23, 1954, Krivoy Rog, Dnipropetrovsk region. He graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in 1976 with a degree in Technology and Complex Mechanization of Open-Cast Mining and received a qualification as a Mining Engineer. From 1976-1979 - Post-graduate student of the Department of Open Mining Works of Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute. In 1981 he defended his PhD thesis. Since 1979 - an engineer in Research Department; Senior Research Fellow; assistant of the department; Head of the branch research laboratory № 17. Since 1993 - Associate Professor of the Department of Mine and Underground Construction. Since 2001 - Professor of the Department of Mine and Underground Construction. Since 1995 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mine Construction. Since 1998 till 2019 - Dean of the Faculty of Construction of the Dnipro University of Technology. Currently, he delivers lectures on “Quality management of construction products”, “Geotechnology”, “Technology and Safety of Explosive Works”, and well as conducts practical classes and laboratory work, manages students' educational, production and undergraduate practices, coursework and diploma design. He is a member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of Dnipro University of Technology in the specialty 184 Mining and 192 Construction and Civil Engineering. Head of the Trade Union of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics. Participates in the career guidance of the Department and the University. Scientific interests of Professor Usik I.I. are aimed at studying and defining the regularities of the process of destruction of rocks and improvement of technology of drilling and blasting operations, in particular, the development of new designs of charges of explosives, methods of destruction of rocks by explosion, improving the efficiency of geotechnology. These questions are a continuation of many years of fundamental and applied research of the Department in the field of mining and construction technologies. Research results of Usyk I.I. found in 88 scientific articles and author's certificates, many of the research reports he directed and participated in as a performer. He passed In-service training in 2018: by program T-UPDATE: - "Effective communication in the face of change", Dnipro. Awarded the Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2007); Honorary Mine Valor Award of the 3rd degree (09.08.2019); Miner Glory honors of the 3rd degree (14.07.2000); 2nd degree (27.01.10); And the 1st degree (25.08.16); anniversary medal of National Mining University; Honorary diplomas and thanks of the rector. Courses taught: