Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor BIOGRAPHICAL INFO: She was born on April 15, 1972. In 1994 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering of Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport (now Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport), having obtained the qualification of civil engineer. In 1994-1995 she worked as a teacher - an intern at the Department of Structural Engineering of Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport. In 1995-1998 she attended postgraduate studies at Dnipropetrovsk State Technical University of Railway Transport. In 1999 she defended her PhD thesis on "Nonlinear oscillations of flexible rods, pre-stressed by tightening" in the specialty 05.23.17 - construction mechanics. In 2002, Volkova Victoria was awarded the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Structural Engineering. In 2002-2005 she studied for a doctorate at the Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan. In 2002, she received a grant from the INTAS International Young Scientist Foundation and received an internship at the Institute of Applied Analysis and Stochastics after Weierstrass WIAS (Berlin). In 2007, she was awarded the Mayor Grant “Youth of Dnepropetrovsk to native city”. Successful scientific work was honored with the Presidential Award for Young Scientists of 2007 (Order No. 1181/07 of December 4, 2007, Certificate No. 250). In 2009 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the theme "Phase trajectories in forward and reverse problems of dynamics of nonlinear elastic systems" in specialty 05.23.17 - construction mechanics. She delivers lectures in disciplines
Volkova V.E. is a scientist in the field of core systems dynamics, has 116 scientific works, with 2 monographs, 3 declarative patents of Ukraine, 3 articles in foreign scientific journals. Scientific interests: prediction of dynamic behavior of structural elements, identification of dynamic models of mechanical systems. CERTIFICATION TRAINING Traineeships at the Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture from September 17, 2018 to November 16, 2018. Order of NTU DP № 1454-l dated 10.09.2018 Order PSACEA No. 290 dated 11.09.2018 In 2020, she took part in the international project "Erasmus + KA107 International Credit Mobility Project" and taught a lecture course "Dynamics of buildings and structures" at Cankiri Karatekin University (Turkey). |