Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Scholar Scopus Orcid Web Of Science He was born on July 24, 1965 in Ternovka, Dnipropetrovsk region. After graduating from secondary school № 4 in 1982, he entered the Ternivska Mining Vocational Technical School № 41, which he graduated in 1983 with honors, having received the specialty " Underground electric locksmith ". He worked at the Pavlogradskaya mine of Pavlogradugol company in the electrical workshop. In 1983 he entered the Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute named after Artem on specialty "Construction of mines and underground structures". From 1984 to 1986 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army in Kazakhstan. In 1990 he graduated from the institute with honors, having received the qualification of a mining engineer-constructor and was admitted to the Department of Construction of Mines and Underground Structures as an assistant. Since 1992 he studied at the Postgraduate School of Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute (on correspondence form), after which in 1996 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Scientific adviser - Professor Shashenko O.M. In 1997 he was transferred to the post of Associate Professor, in 2000 he received the academic title of Associate Professor. In 2004-2007 he studied for a doctorate at the department. In 2009 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the specialties "Mine and underground construction" and "Geotechnical and mining mechanics". Scientific adviser – Shashenko O.M. Since 2010 - Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomechanics. He subsequently received the academic title of Professor (2011). Currently he delivers lectures on the subjects of "Technology of construction of vertical workings", "Technology of construction of horizontal, inclined and vertical workings", "Special methods of construction workings", "Special construction geotechnology", "Special methods in geotechnology" for students of specialties 184 Mining and 192 Construction and Civil Engineering, conducts practical classes, manages industrial practice, coursework and diploma design, research work for Masters and students, is the curator of one of the academic groups. From 1990 to 1995 - Head of educational and technological practice of students mine-constructors. From 1995 to 1998 - Secretary of the Admissions Committee of the Faculty of Construction (former Faculty of Mine Construction). Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Construction: - from 1997 to 1998 - on academic work, - from 1998 until now - on scientific work. Since 1998 he has been responsible for the budget scientific topic of the department. Since 2001 - Scientific Secretary of the specialized council D 08.080.04 at the Dnipro University of Technology in defense of doctoral theses. He is engaged in scientific activities. Participates in the performance of government contracting and state budget research works. Scientific interests are related to issues of geomechanics, technology of construction of underground structures, ensuring the stability of mining operations in difficult geomechanical conditions and at great depths, numerical modeling of geomechanical processes, improvement of technologies for construction of vertical workings in normal and difficult conditions. He proposed a new criterion for heaving of rocks, which significantly expands the use of methods to improve the stability of workings, control and diagnostics of the contour massif, as well as a new concept of control of geomechanical processes to prevent catastrophic and severe consequences in the construction and maintenance of deep workings. He supervises the scientific work of graduate students and applicants. Prepared 7 Ph.D. He is the author of more than 300 scientific and educational works, incl. 12 monographs, 3 non-fiction books on the history of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics, 7 patents and copyrights, one textbook. About 30 articles have been published abroad, incl. in Germany, Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan and China. Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2018). Corresponding Member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine. He was awarded the Miner Glory sign with three degrees, received thanks from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as a number of thanks from the Dnipropetrovsk City Council and the university leadership. CERTIFICATION TRAINING:
Scientific guidance of graduate students and applicants who have received a certificate of degree 1. Shepel Nina, Ph.D., 05.15.09 - Geotechnical and Mining Mechanics, 2016 After Defence - Research Fellow at TU “Freiberg Mining Academy”. 2. Dudka Ivan, Ph.D. 05.15.04 - Mine and underground construction, 2016 After protection - Associate Professor of higher education institution. 3. Prokudin Olexander, Ph.D. 05.15.04 - Mine and underground construction, 2019 After Defence - real estate search manager for the Omega LLC Development Department (Dnipro). 4. Mashurka Sergiy, 05.15.09 - Geotechnical and Mining Mechanics, 2019 After the defense, he is an assistant at the chair of the faculty of information technologies of Dnipro University of Technology. Courses taught: