Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


2-75_Соболев_1.jpgSOBOLIEV Valeriy

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor 

Google Scholar ID - OHnCUwkAAAAJ 

ResearcherID - B-9052-2018 

Scopus AutorID - 7202818072

ORCID - 0000-0003-1351-6674

He was born on January 10, 1947. He started working in 1965 and has an underground work experience. He served in the army. Since 1969 - student of the Mining Faculty of Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute (DMI). After graduating from the DMI in 1974, he was sent to work as an engineer on science and research of the Department of Theoretical and Construction Mechanics. Since 1977 he was transferred to the Department of Mining Engineering Technology. In 1977-1980 he studied in graduate school, in 1983 he defended his Ph.D. In 1986 he was selected by the competition for the post of senior researcher science and research laboratory (PNDL-1); The scientific title of senior scientist in the specialty "Solid State Physics" was conferred in 1988. In PNDL-1 he worked as the head of the division of geology and physics of minerals, and after the defense of his doctoral dissertation in 1990 - the chief research associate. Since 1993 he was transferred to the position of Professor of Department of Construction and Geomechanics.

Actively participated in public life. He was a member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Mineralogical Society, the section "Synthesis of Superhard Materials by Dynamic Methods" of the Scientific Council of the SCST USSR. He is currently the chairman of the Scientific Council in the field of "High-energy material processing" of the general technical department of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, since 1993, member of the International Association of Materials Scientists (ASMI), the European Association of Dynamic Materials Processing Specialists (DUMAT), member of specialized councils D 08.080.04, D 08.080.05.

He teaches lectures on rock physics, safety during blasting operations, blasting in urban environments, modeling of geomechanical processes, conducts practical and laboratory classes, manages masters research. Develops the necessary methodological support for the educational process.

The results of theoretical and experimental research, obtained with the direct participation and under the scientific guidance of Professor Sobolev V.V., were used in 6 doctoral and 5 PhD theses.

In the field of basic sciences, new physical effects have been established, such as "The property of natural crystals of diamond to keep the genetic center in the process of growth", "The phenomenon of solid-phase epitaxy of diamond", " The phenomenon of abrupt increase in the electrical conductivity of rocks and minerals under the external influence of electric and magnetic fields of low intensity "," The property of anomalously high sensitivity of complex metal salts to detonation transformation under the action of laser radiation "," The regularity of the formation of new solid phases in condensed matter under the influence of strong shock waves "," The property of an unsafe gas-coal substance characterized by an unstable equilibrium of the chemical state of the moving components (gas, radicals) with the fixed components of the organic mass of coal ".An important theoretical work done with co-authors in the field of quantum chemistry is the basics of quantum dynamics of elementary chemical reactions.

He is the author of about 500 scientific works, incl. 85 inventions (USSR copyright certificates, patents of Ukraine and Germany), 11 monographs, textbooks and manuals. About 50 articles have been published in the US, England, France, Spain, Holland, Brazil, Bulgaria, Poland, China and Switzerland. More than 50 works have been published independently.

He is the organizer and leader of eight interstate scientific seminars "High-energy materials processing" (since 1995), based on materials of which published collections of scientific works. For his scientific discovery "The phenomenon of solid-phase epitaxy of diamond" in 1998, he received the academic award of Yaroslav the Wise, was awarded with a mark of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "For scientific achievements", a full cavalier of the sign "Miner Glory", has a number of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, administration of the region, city, university.



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