Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor He was born on August 4, 1953 in the village of Illinka, Tomakiv district, Dnipropetrovsk region, where he graduated from secondary school in 1970. In the same year he entered the Faculty of Mine Construction of Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, graduating with honors in 1975. After graduation, he was left to work at the Department of Mines and Underground Construction as a Research Engineer. In 1980 he entered the postgraduate course, and in 1983 he defended his PhD thesis in advance. From 1983 to 1985 he worked as a senior researcher at the Department of Construction of Mines and Underground Structures. In 1985 he was transferred to the position of Deputy Chief, and in 1987 - Head of the Research Sector of the Institute. Work in this position was associated with a difficult period of transition of science to self-supporting relations, working out the features of scientists in the new economic conditions of state development. From 1992 to 1995 he studied for a doctorate at the Department of Construction of Mines and Underground Structures, after which he defended his doctoral dissertation in the same year. Scientific adviser - Professor Shashenko O.M. From 1995 he worked as an Associate Professor at the Department of Construction of Mines and Underground Structures, and in September 1997 transferred to the post of Professor of the Department. He received the academic title of Professor in the Department of Building Geotechnology and Structures in 2001. Scientific interests are related to ensuring the stability of mining in difficult mine-geological conditions, the use of the bearing capacity of the rock mass to increase the stability of the workings. During work on his doctoral dissertation, he developed a new approach to the assessment of the possibility of heaving for layered soil of mine working, mathematical and physical models of the process of heaving of soil rocks. He has more than 70 scientific papers. Member of the specialized council D 08.080.04 at the NMU for the defense of doctoral theses (in 2001-2007. - Chairman of the council). Member of the Expert Council of the HAC of Ukraine (since 2007). During his work at the department he delivered lectures on almost all specialized disciplines on training of engineers-miners, worked out necessary methodological support of educational process. Head of the working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on development of the State Standards of Education, specialty 090303 "Mine and underground construction". Academician of the Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Ukraine. In addition to his main work since 1997, he is the director of the Ukrainian-American Lyceum at Dnipro University of Technology (former NMU), a new-type of secondary education institution that prepares prospective students for Dnipro University of Technology and other universities. Full Cavalier of the Miner Glory sign. For the development of higher education, he was awarded the "Petro Mohyla" sign of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the "Excellent Educator of Ukraine" badge. He has several thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the administration of the region, the city and the university. He was awarded the commemorative medal for his services to the city. |