MINIEIEV Sergiy Doctor of Technical Science, Professor He was born on March 23, 1953. In 1970 he graduated from high school and entered the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute in the specialty "Mine and underground construction". He graduated from the Institute in 1975 and was assigned to the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where he currently works. In 1985, Minieiev S.P. defended his Ph.D., and in 1996 - a Doctoral dissertation in the specialties: 05.15.11 - "Physical processes of mining" and 05.15.02- "Underground mining of minerals" on the topic "Scientific basis for the use of wave and ripple effects to reduce the gas-dynamic activity of coal layers. " Since 1999 he has been working at the National Mining University as a professor of the Department of Construction and Geomechanics (part-time), where he teaches "Making Workings in Particularly Difficult Conditions", "History of Underground Construction", "Construction Machinery". During scientific work Minieiev S.P. was engaged in the issues of control the dynamic manifestations of mining pressure, in particular, the seismic forecast of sandstone emissions and the control of gas-dynamic phenomena. For the first time, he proved the fundamental possibility of using vibration technologies to reduce the gas-dynamic danger of the hydrocarbon massif and developed a vibration method for reducing the emissions. By Professor Minieiev S.P. the scientific and technical bases of the use of wave and vibro-pulsation effects for the control of the stress-deformed and gas-dynamic state of the hydrocarbon massif in deep mines have been developed. It allows to carry out effective reduction of the outbursts of the layers and to carry out the non-residual degassing of the mass considering the intensive translation of the gas bound in the gas into free. Under his leadership, the mechanism and scientific foundations of the state of mine methane in microporous coal space were developed. He formulated a hypothesis for the displacement of methane in gas-tight hydrocarbon massif. Based on these studies, a number of technological developments have been carried out to improve the efficiency and safety of mining operations, including the development of methods of coalface transition of cavities of gas-dynamic phenomena (GDP) and geological disturbances, methods of eliminating the effects of GDP in longwalls and the safe opening of coal seams, and other methods. Recently, he has conducted a wide range of studies concerning the establishment of rational vibrational frequencies for the effective reduction of the strength of hydrocarbon media. This made it possible to develop vibration technology for loosening of frozen coal and other bulk materials in railway cars; vibration systems for bunkering and overloading; vibration mechanisms for compacting concrete mixtures, soils, as well as for ice breakage. A stationary vibrating-release plant in the port of Yuzhny is designed and effectively used. Minieiev S.P. is an author of 3 albums of technological schemes for safe mining operations on hazardous layers of the Ministry of Coal Industry of the USSR, is a member of the Central Commission on ventilation, degassing and control of gas-dynamic phenomena in the coal mines of Ukraine, member of the editorial board for development of rules for mining inclined to gas-dynamic phenomena ", a member of the specialized council for the protection of theses D 08.080.04 at NTU DP (former NMU). He has published more than 250 scientific papers, including 10 monographs, several methodological developments, brochures and more than 70 copyright certificates and patents. |