Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor He was born in June 1973 in Dzerzhinsk (now - Toretsk), Donetsk region. In 1997 he graduated with honors from the National Mining Academy of Ukraine with a degree in Mine and Underground Construction. After graduating from NMAU, in 1997-1998 and 2001-2003, he studied in graduate school at the Department of Construction Geotechnology and Structures. Scientific adviser - Professor Shashenko O.M. In 2005 he defended his PhD thesis in the specialty "Mechanics of Soils and Rocks". In 2007 he was awarded the rank of Associate Professor in the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics. He is engaged in research activities within the framework of the state and state budget research works carried out at the department. Scientific interests: rock mechanics, technology of construction of workings of coal mines, ensuring long-term stability of workings, numerical modeling of geomechanical processes. Since 2003 he has worked as an assistant, since 2006 - Associate Professor, since 2015 - Professor, and since 2016 - Head of the Department. He delivers lectures and practical classes on courses "Mining geotechnology", "Technology of construction of horizontal and inclined workings", "Technology of construction of horizontal, inclined and vertical workings", "Designing of construction of industrial and civil objects" for students of faculties of mechanical engineering and mining faculties, directs course and diploma design, research work of students. He manages the research work of graduate students and applicants. Prepared two Ph.D. Develops the necessary methodological support of the educational process, uses the elements of information and communication technologies in teaching. In December 2015 he defended his Doctoral dissertation in specialty 05.15.09 - Geotechnical and mining mechanics. Scientific consultant - Professor Shashenko O.M. He is the director of the DTEK Geomechanics Laboratory Research Center and the Hydrogeomechanics and Thermodynamics Geotechnical Systems Research Center. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine He is the secretary of the section of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. He reviews articles in the Scientific Bulletin of the National Mining University indexed by the Scopus. He is a member of the editorial board of two scientific and technical journals. In 2004 he became a laureate of the President's Award for Young Scientists as a part of the author's team. In 2018 he became a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology. Awarded with a valuable gift of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; he has thanks from the university management. He has published more than 170 scientific and educational works, including 1 patent, 3 scientific monographs and two sections in monographs. |