Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Scholar Scopus Web Of Science Orcid LinkedinHe was born on July 18, 1978 in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1995 he graduated from secondary school № 51 and entered the State Mining Academy of Ukraine in the specialty "Construction of mines and underground structures". In 2000 he graduated with honors from the National Mining University and in the same year entered postgraduate studies at the Department of Construction Geotechnology and Geomechanics. After graduation, from 2003 he was accepted as an assistant. In 2011, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Substantiation of the parameters of the safety pillars of mining operations in the conditions of coal mines". Scientific adviser - Professor Shashenko O.M. In 2013 he was awarded the rank of associate professor. Since 2012 he has been working as an Associate Professor. Conducts classes in the courses "Design and estimate business", "Design in mining", "Technology and safety of blasting", "Construction of mine workings", "Mining equipment". Since 2018, he has been working as a professor at the department, holding the position of Vice-Rector on Property at the main place of work. Until 2017, participated in the implementation of contractual and state budget topics. In 2008-2009, he received a grant to conduct research in the framework of the international project “Stability of geotechnical systems: risks, processes and phenomena” (Civillian Research and Development Foundation, USB1-021-DP-07). Scientific interests: rock mechanics, technology of construction of underground structures, ensuring the stability of mine workings, design and estimate business. Author of more than 70 scientific and methodological works. MATERIALS FOR STUDENTS
CERTIFICATION TRAINING Internship at the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics. MS Polyakov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from March 27, 2017 to April 27, 2017. Certificate on the results of the internship, "Mastering modern methods and methods for ensuring the safety of blasting operations in underground mining and construction of underground facilities, including tunnels "; 27.04.2017 TRAININGS
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